End of the Internship period

For last 6 months I was working as an intern at Navantis IT (Pvt.)
When I first came here I had considerable knowledge about .Net and ASP, but I was mainly using the nice GUI of VS2005 to do all the designs. But the project I was put in to at Navantis required to all the web controls as Custom server controls. We have to cut code for every thing, No drag and drops... At the beginning it was difficult but after creating few custom controls it became much easier. Because of that I learned a lot about C# and .Net controls.
We had a excellent team at Navantis. Everybody was very friendly and helpful. I have to thank everyone at Navantis for all support given. Our next semester (Level3 Semester2) is gong to be staring in mid April, that’s two more months. Till then I'm doing part time at Navantis, 3 days per week. I'm planning to spend other time on Patrick’s Project. And I have to prepare a report about our internship as well.
So I guess there won't be any spare time to relax.