Gmail Mail Fetcher
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu

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Wow… It has been a wonderful year
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
- Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Wow… It has been a wonderful year for me. So far 2006 has been one of the best years in my life. I gained tons of experiences and knowledge this year that will help me to gain success through out my life.
I started blogging on March with a very small welcome note . And also March was a great month since our proposal for the Imagine Cup 2006 Software Design local competition was selected for last five. So begin the hard working time. But all that hard work and countless sleepless nights finally paid off when we won the IC local competition on May 31st. It was one of the happiest days in my life. I had to do a 10 min presentation about our system in front of nearly 300 people. My first presentation of that kind. Participating and wining Imagine Cup was the greatest thing happened to me in last year.
In June I participated for our 2nd batch trip. Two day trip to Sinharaja world heritage rain forest. Most remembered thing in that trip was that I slipped off form a rock, when we went to see a beautiful waterfall on the way to Siharaja and wounded my right small finger. I still have a mark in my finger to remember that wonderful trip.
July and August was very busy months. I had to participate for lectures and parallely prepare for IC world final in
We fly to
Fun ended soon after we landed in
New chapter of my life opened up soon after the exams, Internship period at Navantis SL. This was a long waited thing for me. I always wanted to see what exactly happens in the industry. I’m still at Navantis undergoing my training. It was bit difficult at the beginning to catch up with the work, but after few days I got into the track. Life remained same ever since. Going to office in the morning and coming home in the evening. I understood that working is quite different from the university life some times it’s very boring, doing same thing over and over again.
After months of delays and tons of problems we started the implementation of the Financial Planning System for Mr.Pattrick . Our very short experience in internship helps a lot for it. With it more work come to my shoulders. After I come home around 8pm I had to start working on Pattrick project, I usually do that work from 9.30 to 11.30. It’s not easy, but what to do… If you promise for some thing you have to do it. And all weekend were spent on project meetings and implementation.
Few weeks back I did my first technical session for our super joiner batch on Introduction to .Net and Programming with C#. I was a wonderful experience to share knowledge with others.
When I look back my year’s activities I think this was a successful year for me with lots of excitements and achievement. I really think that I’ve laid a good foundation to my future in this year.

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Navantis Orange Day!
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu

We Navantis team in colombo today enjoyed a "Orange day". It was just a fun event where all the people come to work wearing orange color dresses. It was wonderful sell most of the guys and gals wearing orange today. Most of the girls had wear orange dresses but unfortunately only handful guys came to work in orange. This was the first of it's kind at Navantis. So It was a big success for the first try. May be in next time we'll see more orange dresses; hopefully.
More photos...
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Manage Your Time
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
- Thursday, December 14, 2006
Penelope Trunk, a columnist at the Boston Globe, summarizes some great tips that coming from the blogosphere. She lists ten important tips to get a better handle for your work and focus to achieve productivity:
- Don’t leave email sitting in your in box.
- Admit multitasking is bad.
- Do the most important thing first.
- Check your email on a schedule.
- Keep web site addresses organized.
- Know when you work best.
- Think about keystrokes.
- Make it easy to get started.
- Organize your to-do list every day.
- Dare to be slow.
Read 10 tips for time management in a multitasking world for more details...
New Google Toolbar Beta
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
The latest version of Google Toolbar makes it easy to send snippets from web pages by email, SMS. It's also easy to have a blog without actually writing too much original content.

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Ooh No Exam Results are out...
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
- Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Main reason for the poor performance in the exam is ..... I didn't study well in this semester. Yes I have to admit it. But it also had fair reasons. I had devoted lot time to prepare for the Imagine Cup Local competition and then for the world finals. The time I devoted was well worthed since we won the IC Sri Lanka local competition beating more than 40 teams.
Exam started on 15th Aug and we had to participate for the IC world final in India from 5th to 12th Aug. So didn't had any time to study.... Given the circumstances I think I have done well. (But now I fell that I could have done the exam little bit better...) .
I have learn lot of things in that semester. I'm hoping to do next exam (L3S2) much much better....
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New Layer in Google Earth
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
- Tuesday, December 12, 2006
- the Wikipedia encyclopedia,
- Panoramio, which links photos to the exact places where they were taken, and
- the Google Earth Community - comments by users of the Community, including Flickr photos of the place
while you using GE.

The places described in those site will be shown in small wikipedia globe or blue Panoramio star or Google Earth Community yellow i icon. Simply by clicking on that icon you can view that content.

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Keystroke program launcher for windows...
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
- Thursday, December 07, 2006
Other wonderful thing with Launcy is it is Open source and comes up with multiple skins. If you wish you can create your own skin as well.
Sounds interesting.... Try it and see for your self.
You can also directly download Launchy form Sourceforge.

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Navantis 2nd B'day Celebrations
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
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Embedding Slideshow for Picasa Web Albums to my blog
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
- Tuesday, December 05, 2006
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MS Weekend for Beginners
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
- Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Microsoft student champs at our faculty had organized an introductory session on Microsoft .Net framework last Saturday(25th Nov). I conducted 2 sessions there, "Introduction to .Net Framework" and "Introduction to Windows Application Development with C#".
It was organized for the Level1 Semester1 students. Nearly 50 students participated for that event. Wajira (MS Student Ambassador) also conducted a session on "Introduction to ASP Web Development ". This was the first public technical session conducted by me. It was a wonderful experience to share what I know with other.
Some wonderful prices also given away to the students at that event. Those included CD pack containing Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition and SQL Server 2005, 5 button optical mouse and few technical magazines...
You can download the presentation I did on "Introduction to .Net Framework" here.

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Portable applications
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
- Friday, November 24, 2006
Have you ever wanted to carry you Firefox browser with you with all your carefully organized bookmarks? Now you can do that with PortableApps...
You can carry your FF with all bookmarks , your calendar with all appointment and the list goes on and on. This is a free software suite that you can run from you flash drive. Currenly it support more than 10 applications, including Firefox, Sunbird, Oprenoffice, Thunderbird......
You can try this PortableApps site.
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My Piccasa Photo Album..
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
- Wednesday, November 22, 2006
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Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
- Monday, November 20, 2006
Are you a Firefox lover? Like to use FF without using the mouse. Most of the power users hate mouse, they want to use keyboard for every thing. I've to admit that I'm not a power user. But knowing few shortcuts can save lot of your time. These are few shortcut that you can use in FF.
To use the keyboard shortcuts hold down CTRL and press one of the following:
T | Opens a new tab and takes the focus to the new tab |
O | Open Local File. This is one of the biggest changes from IE where both Ctrl-O and Ctrl-L opened a dialogue box for a URL. |
L | Changes focus to the Address bar |
Tab | Scrolls through the tabs from current window towards the right. Loops back to the first tab when rightmost tab is reached |
1..0 | The numbers 1 to 0 takes the focus to Tab 1 to 10 |
N | Opens a new window like IE |
W | a tab or if there are no tabs, close the window |
B | Open bookmark sidepanel |
D | Bookmark current page |
H | Brings up the history dialogue box on the right. Useful if you closed a page accidentally and forgot the URL. Or to make sure your kids are not looking at pr0n |
U | Show page source |
Y | Open downloads window |
K | Focus goes to search bar |
Ms. Dewey..........
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
- Saturday, November 18, 2006

This is cool site... It gives you a verbal answers on your searches. It is powers by Microsoft Live search. Ms. Dewey's actions are very cool... Would like to meet Ms. Dewey?
Gmail as a Storage devise....
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu

Then Gmail Drive is what you are looking for. This is a cool solution I found while I'm surfing the net.
It creates a Shell Namespace Extension that creates a virtual filesystem around your Gmail account, allowing you to use Gmail as a storage medium.
Sounds interesting.... Then check this out.. GMail Drive shell extension
You can also directly download the software from softpedia
Enjoy your new 2.7GB virtual HD.....
What's Your Salary?
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
- Monday, October 02, 2006
My First Salary
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
- Thursday, September 28, 2006
After Long Time......
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
I could not post any thing in the blog for long time. We had our semester exams in the university and I went to India to participate Microsoft Imagine Cup world finals and lot lot more work........ So I didn't had time to update my blog.
Now All that is finished and I've little bit time to update my blog.
Trip to Sinharaja
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
- Monday, June 26, 2006
More Photos from the Imagine Cup Sri Lanka Competition
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
- Tuesday, June 13, 2006
We Won the Imagine Cup
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
- Thursday, June 01, 2006
New Year
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
- Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Pattrick's Project
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
- Saturday, March 25, 2006
Imagine Cup Proposal Writing
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
- Monday, March 13, 2006
Imagine Cup
- Posted by Chathurika Sandarenu
- Thursday, March 09, 2006
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Blog Archive
- Happy New Year
- Gmail Mail Fetcher
- Wow… It has been a wonderful year
- Navantis Orange Day!
- Manage Your Time
- New Google Toolbar Beta
- Ooh No Exam Results are out...
- New Layer in Google Earth
- Keystroke program launcher for windows...
- Navantis 2nd B'day Celebrations
- Embedding Slideshow for Picasa Web Albums to my blog