Pattrick's Project

Mr.Patrick is coming next week to have a meeting with us about the Financial Adversary software. He is going to stay here from 1th Apr to 13th Apr. WE have already created schedules & Agendas for all the meetings.


Imagine Cup Proposal Writing

We are in the last stage of prepairing the proposal for this year's Imagine Cup competition. We have finishsed all the documatation part, only the screen shots have to be put in. But we have to do complete proof reading of the complete doc before submiting it. Final Date is 15th. But we are cofident that we'll be able submit it tomorrow(14th) evening.


Imagine Cup

Me and 3 other members of my faculty created a group to compete for this year's Imagine Cup competion.
We are in the process of creating the project proposel


Welcome to my blogging page.