Java Reporting With MS Word - Part 2

Few weeks back I did a post on how to create reports using Microsoft Word and Java. That method was based on Microsoft Office XML schema. We just have to create XML document using the tags defined in that schema. Yes it creates nice reports, but it needs lot of effort right.... You have to put lot of effort to create even very small report. When number of formatings in the report increases it becomes more and more difficult. Other main issue is you can't insert images.

I did more research on how to creates reports that can be viewed from Word with less effort. And then I just thought about Rich Text Format. We can view rtf documents from MS Word. After Googling for some time I found about iText. I knew it is used to create PDF documents, but until that morment I didn't knew that it can creates rtf documents as well. So that is the solution..... Create the report using iText.

We can create rtf documents with nice formating with less effort. You can find good tutorial on how to create rtf documents using iText here.

Advices from Steve Jobs to Our Lives

Few days back I got an email from one of my friend which contained the Steve Jobs' Commencement address at Stanford University in year 2005. I know now it is fairly old thing, but I thought to share it with all of you because that speech has lot of advises that we can adopt in to our life.

It contains how he faced the challenges in his life and overcome them successfully. It is a very nice speech that you must read.

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