OpenCV - Computer Vision Library
OpenCV is an open source computer vision library developed by Intel. This library is written in C/C++ and it has lot of very powerful image processing features.
I got to know about this library few months back when I was doing researches for our final year project. Our project "Sign2Voice" interprets signs of sign language to voice in real time using a video captured using simple webcam.
OpenCV has rich image processing API that that provides wide range of functionally ranging from simple image processing tasks to machine learning algorithms. In our project we uses OpenCV library to detect and identify sign language hand gestures. We uses Haar-Cascade classifier provided with OpenCV to detect hand. After training the classifier with set of positive and negative images we can use the classifier to detect objects. OpenCV has a good trained classifier for face detection.
Training of Haar-classifier is not an easy task. This became especially difficult because there is nor proper documentation for this process. Their are few web sites that give instructions on how to train, but they are not that comprehensive.
We had to do lot of experiments and learn through trail and error to find out how to do the training properly. After lot of failures we managed to achieve good results in had detection.
I'm planning to do some posts regarding how to train haar-classifier share the knowledge I gained with you in future. So keep you figures crossed. :)