How to Use Multiple GIT Accounts

Yesterday at HMS we moved some of our projects to GIT from SVN repository. So in order to access that office GIT repository I had to create a new ssh key using my office email address. I already had a ssh key which I used to access my GitHub account. So once I created new key I was unable to access GitHub since in normal configuration ssh can only have one public key.
But I wanted to find a way which I can use both office GIT server login and my GitHub login. After doing some searching on google I found a solution to that. For that we'll have to create ssh config file. So I created following config file at my .ssh folder
vi ~/.ssh/config

# hms-git
Host hms-git
  User git
  IdentityFile /home/sandarenu/.ssh/id_rsa

# github
  User git
  IdentityFile /home/sandarenu/.ssh/id_rsa_github

Once this config file is saved I could clone office git projects using
  git clone git@hms-git:myproject

To clone GitHub project I could use
  git clone