Being Punctual....

Well, what do you think about this....being punctual?

I’m not sure about you, but I hate people coming late and not doing things on time. Especially in here most of the people don’t take this seriously, they never come on time. As an undergraduate I have seen lot of my batch mates coming to lectures, group meetings late. They are the most selfish people; they don’t think that they are wasting time of others. As professionals I think we should learn about how to do time management and being punctual.

I found these two articles at lifehack about the importance of being punctual and most importantly how to do that. Hope this will encourage you to be punctual...


Reader Comments

I loved this post and this blog.
have a nice day

I think late ppl suck as well...

i used to be on time and all... but after getting burned so much and wasting my time and getting my schedules messed up,, i decided to join th club... if u cant beat them join them...

well at least this club is relative to context, i dont respect time with ppl who dont work on time... :)

i know wat u mean, i'm in th same batch ne :)