OpenXava - Easiest way to create DB driven websites in Java

If you are a someone interested in computer programming, at some point of time you may have created a DB driven website. If you have done that you may know how difficult it is to create even a small website. Even with code generation facilities provided by IDEs and ORM tools like Hibernate you have to do quite a lot to get your web app running.
This is where OpenXava (OX) comes in handy. It is really easy to create DB driven web app using this framework. With OX to create Db driven web app only thing you have to do is to define your business entities. Yes, that is the only thing you have to do, and OX will create you nice AJAX driven website with all CRUD operations implemented and also with reporting capabilities with PDF and Excel. It is amazing right....

How much time do you think will take to create above simple web app?, an hour... Actually it only took me 10 minutes to create it with all those features, what I did was implemented simple pojo class Customer and everything else was done by OX.
OX provides you lot of customization capabilities as well. So I think this is a good time saver tool.
Download OX from here and see for your self....

Reader Comments

I spent some time trying to compare Domain Driven Java Frameworks
such as OpenXava, Naked Objects, Roma Framework.
I choose OpenXava to work with.

Java never die

I must say this is an important subject. you have showed simple and easy way to create DB driven websites in Java. Thanks!

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